CCMA has thoroughly updated its NMR instruments during spring 2016. After the upgrade, the centre includes 5 well-equipped NMR spectrometers ranging from 600 MHz to 400 MHz.

CCMA is also equipped with a variety of MS equipment for various purposes including two TripleQuad LCMS/MS machines for precise analysis and high-res UPLC-TOF machine for fast screening.

All instruments are housed in the Aurum building.


History of our NMR Instruments (thoroughly updated May 2016)

Three high field NMR-spectrometers (400, 500 and 600 MHz) were installed in the Instrument Centre in December, 2003. The configuration of the instruments were at first chosen to fulfill the needs of organic chemistry, but interesting X-nuclei were also observed. All of the NMR instruments were very similar both in hardware and software, which facilitated more efficient training and maintenance.

Special features that are worthwhile to mention:

Both 500 and 600 MHz instruments have automated sample changers and inverse autotune-probes. Therefore, it’s possible to run all basic NMR-experiments overnight from 6 to 10 samples without operator control. The 400 MHz instrument also included a solid state option. It was the first CP/MAS instrument in Turku.